Conoce un poco más a nuestra última incorporación a TUinnovas, la Dra. Elaine Gallagher (EE.UU.). Puedes leer un resumen de su saber PINCHANDO AQUÍ.

En este blog iremos incorporando entradas escritas por Elaine, generadas para personas deseosas de aprender bien otros idiomas, a lo cual lleva muchos años dedicándose, también en España.
Confiamos en que las sucesivas entradas te irán sirviendo de inspiración y guía si estás en este grupo de aprendices.

Learning another language for some people is not a priority, so they never are successful. Maybe they can understand a little, and, perhaps, they can read some short paragraphs in a newspaper or magazine. The most important aspect of any language is ORAL FLUENCY; so, if someone can’t speak a language well, then they don’t really know it.

How does oral fluency develop? In short steps. Listen. Listen. Listen. Repeat. Then, little by little, respond. LISTEN. REPEAT. RESPOND. All the while you’re listening, you need to begin to THINK in the new language. It’s important, too.

Don’t ask others to translate for you. If English is the language you’re learning, use only an English-English dictionary. This will help you learn to think in English, instead of depending on your native tongue.

It’s a cycle of progress, leading gradually to oral fluency.

As you are developing your oral fluency, reading and writing are not ignored.
They are practiced, based on the development of oral fluency. Learning a language is a lifetime project. Even one’s native language is learned over time, and vocabulary is built over years of various experiences. It’s the same with a second or third language. To be fluent, implies that you have confidence in your ability with new language, based on oral fluency, and clear understanding when others speak.

Listen. Repeat. Respond. Think. Those are the keys to your success in English.

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